Greener Lopen
We are all aware of the need to work together to take actions to limit the negative effects of climate change to safeguard our planet for the future of our children and grandchildren.
Greener Lopen encompasses a range of topics including biodiversity of habitats, sustainability through recycling/up-cycling and reduction in power consumption, litter-picking, maintenance of footpaths and watercourses.
Forgaing recipes

Please contact kate on jkate082@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the Greener Lopen WhatsApp group - to share interesting wildlife sightings, news of events etc

Events...coming soon

Spend an hour counting the birds in your garden ...or in any public space!
Register with RSPB to receive a digital guide, and submit your results to the nationwide survey

Wildflowers and other flora found in Lopen
Fauna found in Lopen
During our first wildlife walk, on 1st August we found:
pigeon (and half pigeon eggshell)
green woodpecker
hover fly
bumble bee
cabbage white butterfly
red ant
orchard spider
shield bug
We also regularly see
Tawny owl recorded on Merlin Bird ID app
Useful Resources
Click on the logo to open link in a new web-page
The Woodland Trust....You can make a difference to woods and trees near you. We’ve put together some useful resources to help you campaign to defend the local woods and trees you love.
Somerset Wildlife Trust works to protect and restore wildlife on our own nature reserves and in the wider landscape. We do this through developing the counties key landscapes through work on our own reserves and working with neighbouring landowners and other key Somerset people and organisations
The Association of Local Environmental Records Centres is a membership organisation representing LERCs across the United Kingdom. It promotes the standing of LERCs as the definitive source of high quality, local, capture-resolution biodiversity data to inform the decision-making process, provides representation at a national and regional level and seeks to enhance the professional standing of LERCs through its Accreditation scheme. It provides a central voice for the UK's Records Centre community and provides a support-based network of knowledge and advice for its members.
Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC) collects, manages analyses and supplies data on wildlife and the surrounding environment.
MAGIC stands for Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside. This website provides authoritative geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain.
People's trust for Endangered Species. Hedgerows criss-cross the countryside. They provide vital habitat for wildlife and act as dispersal corridors. But how healthy are Britain's hedgerows?
Roadside grass cutting.......
Find our grass cutting programme and environmental operations
Useful apps
Identify the birds you see or hear with Merlin Bird ID
Instantly identify plants around you and learn how to care for them.